All our Study Hack videos are embedded below. However, to download these files, please click here.
Designated Study Space
How you can create the perfect study space for your child at home.
Study Hack
Silent Focus
Our brain is not as efficient at multitasking as we think it is!
Study Hack
Mobile phones and notifications are now part of our everyday life, but they have become the killer of focus and attention, especially when trying to concentrate or study.
Study Hack
Rest and Sleep
Making sure that your child gets adequate rest and sleep every night is essential for not only a healthy lifestyle but it also plays a major part in the learning process.
Study Hack
Equipment Ready
One of the things that can cause interruption to your child’s study flow, is not having everything they need when they begin their period of study.
Study Hack
The Pomodoro Technique
The brain can only focus deeply and concentrate for a short period of time before it becomes fatigued. Therefore, the longer a child studies for without a break, the more inefficient they become.
Study Hack
Retrieval Practice
Retrieval Practice is a powerful study tool that is important in the act of revision. It helps strengthen memory by pulling information out of your head rather than cramming information in.
Study Hack
Flashcards are the easiest and most effective way to recall information so that it sticks in your long term memory. Let’s look at how to create them, use them and organise them in the best way possible…
Study Hack
Brain Dump / Blurting
A ‘brain dump’ or ‘blurting’ is when you give your child a blank piece of paper and a pen and then ask them to ‘dump’ or ‘blurt’ everything they can remember about a specific topic.
Study Hack
Look, Cover, Write, Check
This is a technique that works in a similar way to a ‘brain dump’ or ‘blurting’, but this time, it doesn’t have to be something your child learned in the past.
Study Hack
Habit Stacking
Getting into good study habits at home can be difficult to establish and even harder to maintain; the secret is in our everyday habits. The trick is to attach a new routine that they want to become a habit to an existing habit. This is what we call ‘Habit Stacking’.
Study Hack
Productivity is a loaded word, and sometimes, it might feel like we're never productive enough. But all we really need is good time management, uninterrupted focus and motivation!
Study Hack
False Sense of Familiarity
When we recognise something as familiar, our brain makes us think that we know more about the topic than we really do. Familiarity can be the enemy of real learning… but it doesn't have to be this way!
Study Hack
Desirable Difficulties
By getting your child to make learning harder for themselves, they are creating exactly the right conditions in which to remember something. We call this a ‘desirable difficulty’.
Study Hack
Distributed Practice
One of the most interesting but least well-known facts about how our brains remember information is that, as human beings, we forget 90% of what we have been taught within the first 7 days unless we go back and do something with that information to enable us to remember it.
Study Hack
Study Planner
Let us introduce you to the humble study planner, a great tool to help learners feel more responsible for their studies and prioritise appropriately!
Study Hack
Motivation & Rewards
It's hard to stay motivated when there's nothing to look forward to. Have you tried scheduling little rewards and treats throughout your child's study sessions? It's time to step up to your new role: study buddy!
Study Hack
Night Before An Exam
We’d never expect an athlete to train right before their game or match, and neither should a student before an exam!
Study Hack
Set Meal Times
We need to think carefully about what we fuel our bodies with, if we want them to function as effectively as possible when learning and studying.
Study Hack
You Can’t Fool Your Body
The secret is to make sure that your child is developing a better and more sensible sleep pattern way before the exam season starts!
Study Hack
Stress Can Be Good
You heard it, stress can have its benefits!
Study Hack
Hydration and Concentration
It's no secret, you need to keep watered if you want to perform well!
Study Hack
Energy Drinks
Yes. Water may seem too simple to be that effective, but if drunk alongside a good intake of high energy yielding foods, it will always be a more effective source of hydration to your body, helping you to concentrate and focus.
Study Hack
Movement and Exercise
By incorporating exercise into your daily routine, you are equipping yourself with valuable tools to excel academically, build resilience, and maintain a healthy approach to learning – qualities that will serve you well throughout life.